Based on collective client feedback, think it is fair to say that the Jeffrey Toobin event was a very successful endeavor.
Mr. Toobin graded out with high 4's in all of the categories that we survey (lecture, Q&A, acoustics, lighting, and overall experience) and personal comments were very positive and complimentary.
I myself was highly impressed with Mr. Toobin's extensive knowledge of the history of the Court and his ability to give the social, economic, and political conditions of time period he was referencing without the use of many notes, etc.
I agree with the few patrons commented that Toobin seemed a bit distracted and "lost his place" a few times during the lecture. For those who were not aware, Toobin has quite a bit going on in his
personal life and one can only wonder if it is/was the root of his concentration lags.
I thought the Q&A segment was particularly interesting with great questions coming from patrons on the "Chicago Bearing Arms" Case as well as the "Corporation Spending" ruling which was just handed down. While the Prop. 8 question was posed and answered, would have liked Toobin to dig a bit deeper on the subject.
A few patrons did comment that we stopped the Q&A segment about 5 minutes early than normal. This assertion is true, based on the fact that we were out of questions and really had nothing left to ask Mr. Toobin from our list of patron questions.
Patron Quotes from the Engagement
"Jeffrey Toobin gave the most substantial and honest comments of the season's presenters.
He presented some personal insights of events in historical sequence, which provided insight as to who/why things have transpired. He was more entertaining than Colin Powell, which was a surprise to me, as I anticipated that he would be the best speaker of this series."
"This was the best of all the spkr series events I have attended. (1 full yr and so far this year everyone). Mr. Toobin is the perfect speaker with a great subject and the ability to connect to other events. Great selection."
"Mr. Toobin was very liberal. I also found him to be vague. Often he mentioned court cases, but with no explanation. It seemed like he thought he was talking to an audience of lawyers only. "
"The evening was great. We enjoyed his insights regarding the personal side of the justices and his comments on how the court has changed over the years and why it has changed. Good evening!"
"I loved the anecdotes and the humor and hearing a knowledgeable perspective about the Supreme Court. Toobin plainly leans to the left, but does so without rancor or snide remarks or being offensive. He made me think and provided fresh insights, which is what I look for in this series."
PROGRAM GRADES (1 low / 5 High)
Overall Enjoyment 4.6
Lecture 4.6
Q&A 4.5
Lighting 4.3
Acoustics 4.4
94% labeled the evening "money well spent" and 93% felt that Mr. Toobin met or exceeded their expectations.
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